Prof. Perregrini is the new Editor-in-Chief of IEEE T-MTT

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The IEEE AP/ED/MTT North Italy Chapter is pleased to announce that Prof. Luca Perregrini (University of Pavia, Italy)  and Prof. José Carlos Pedro (University of Aveiro, Portugal) are the new Editors-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (

The IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques is the flagship publication of the IEEE MTT Society and  it is published monthly with a focus on that part of engineering and theory associated with microwave/millimeter-wave  technology and components, electronic devices, guided wave structures and theory, electromagnetic theory, and Radio  Frequency Hybrid and Monolithic Integrated Circuits, including mixed-signal circuits, from a few MHz to THz.

Prof. Perregrini is the first Italian ever to be nominated Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE T-MTT.